
PROFESSOR UROLOGIST-ANDROLOGIST + ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN VITRO SPECIALIST! Exclusive Health Services has once again invited the best in Bulgaria! On July 20th and 21st in Sofia, Prof. Ege Can Şerefoğlu, the world-renowned UROLOGIST-ANDROLOGIST, together with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan Oral – Obstetrician-Gynecologist and In Vitro Specialist from Istanbul, will provide FREE consultations and information to […]


Congratulations to Melina Haralambova and Boyan Yanchev from Sofia, who won a voucher for a free in vitro trial with Dr. Serkan Oral in Istanbul, valued at 2950 euros. We are thrilled as the team at Exclusive Health Services to be able to provide this important financial gift to at least one family. It has […]


На 24 ти и 25 ти Юни в София, екипът на Ексклузив Хелт Сървисиз покани отново световнопризнатия Доц. Д-р Серкан Орал да консултира безплатно двойки с репродуктивни проблеми! Тъй като на 1-ви Юни се навършиха 5 години от създаването на Ексклузив Хелт Сървисиз, а всички знаете, че това е най бебешката ФИРМА ( с над […]


It may give you a moment of relief, but you're also spreading dirt and bacteria into your eyes when you rub them.


It may give you a moment of relief, but you're also spreading dirt and bacteria into your eyes when you rub them.


It may give you a moment of relief, but you're also spreading dirt and bacteria into your eyes when you rub them.


It may give you a moment of relief, but you're also spreading dirt and bacteria into your eyes when you rub them.


It may give you a moment of relief, but you're also spreading dirt and bacteria into your eyes when you rub them.


It may give you a moment of relief, but you're also spreading dirt and bacteria into your eyes when you rub them.


It may give you a moment of relief, but you're also spreading dirt and bacteria into your eyes when you rub them.


They bring to you a host of beautifully created infographics that contain the latest digital marketing.


Проф. Д-р Еге Джан Шерефоглу, ДМ Специалност: Уролог– Андролог Работи в: в Клиника “Уроклиник Истанбул“ и “CENTERMED AKADEMİ Nişantaşı İstanbul” За прегледи и консултации: Exclusive Health Services  tel. 00359898320527/ 00905468723981/ 0090 546 868 65 89/ 0090546 868 65 89 sevda@ehs.bg и  aysel@ehs.bg Биопсия на тестиса при Азооспермия (Микро – ТЕСЕ) Какво представлява биопсията и кога се прави? […]


Световно признатият Ин Витро специалист Доц. Д-р Серкан Орал в България! По покана на Exclusive Health Services Доц. Д-р Серкан Орал (IVF специалистът) ще провежда безплатни консултации при двойки с репродуктивни проблеми на 29-ти и 30-ти Май 2021г в гр. София! Консултациите, ще се провеждат с предварително записване на телефони: 0898/ 320 527 и 0090 546 872 3981- Севда КЪЛЪЧ, тел. 0090 546 868 65 89- Айсел Шентюрк и на e-mail адреси: sevda@ehs.bg, aysel@ehs.bg


To all the people who are dear to me, I wish all of you nothing but the joy and happiness that this Christmas brings!


Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod temporincididunt ut labore et dolore magnaaliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi utaliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiatnulla pariatur. Excepteur sintoccaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia […]

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